Strengthening the voice of Alpha-1 patients: Meet our dedicated members

Welcome to the Alpha-1 Europe Alliance, a non-governmental, non-profit patient-driven alliance representing Alpha-1 patients across more than 14 countries in Europe. We are a collective force working towards better support, awareness, and care for individuals affected by Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) and associated diseases. Our member organisations play a crucial role in advocating for the needs and rights of Alpha-1 patients, their families, and caregivers in their respective countries.

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Alpha-1 Europe Alliance is a non-governmental, non-profit patient-driven alliance of organisations representing Alpha-1 patients in over 12 countries across Europe

Here you will find an overview of our current members. 

Becoming a member

Who can become a member?

Full Membership is open to all regional, national, or international registered patient organisations working in Europe who provide support for people, their friends, family members, and caregivers diagnosed with, or affected by Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (AATD) and associated diseases.

Regional, national, or international registered patient organisations in Europe providing support for people living with AATD who do not satisfy the Full Membership criteria can apply for an Associate Membership provided they uphold the views, objectives, and values of the Association. Active individuals, members of their families, and others who wish to support Alpha-1 advocacy efforts in Europe, in countries where there is not already an established organisation, are also able to apply for associate membership.

Interested in applying for membership?
Get in touch with us.